star wars - Are there any Jedi or Sith droids? - Science Fiction ...
Dec 22, 2011 · In Star Wars The Old Republic, on Hoth for the Jedi Knight storyline, the player meets with a Jedi who made (or maybe just discovered, I'm not 100% anymore) Force-sensitive droids. She asks for your opinion on the matter (Among the options are stuff along the lines of "That's preposterous" and "This could change everything we know about the ...
star wars - What happened to the battle droids after The Revenge …
Oct 23, 2013 · Lords of the Sith - Cham Syndulla's Free Ryloth movement/resistance used reprogrammed vulture droids, droid tri-fighters, and buzz droids to fight the Empire above Ryloth (unsuccessfully). Tarkin - Berch Teller's rebel cell uses reprogrammed droid tri-fighters and vulture droids in an attempt to kill Moff Tarkin and Vader (also unsuccessfully).
star wars - Where Are The Commando Droids In Revenge of the …
May 29, 2015 · The BX-series Droid Commando, often referred to as "Commando Droids", were the Confederacy's most advanced model of battle-droid. Seen on a few occasions near the end of The Clone Wars , the BX Commando Droid was a unique prototype model designed for stealth & infiltration missions, possessed of a highly intelligent (and dynamic) intelligence ...
star wars - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
May 5, 2014 · The answer comes down to the relative value of the droids. During all 6 movies we very rarely come across other protocol droids, but many astromechs are on screen. In one scene, R2D2 is repairing a ship in flight mid battle with a few other droids all of which are destroyed.
star wars - Why did the Sith need the Clone Army at all? - Science ...
Feb 9, 2017 · During the Clone Wars, the Sith (i.e., Palpatine) essentially controlled both sides and both armies, the Droid Army and the Clone Army. The basic premise was that the Droid Army would weaken the Jedi by killing some of them, and later the Clone Amy would finish the rest (Order 66). But why would the Sith need the Clone Army at all?
revenge of the sith - What's the model of the droids In Star Wars ...
Mar 16, 2020 · According to the New essential Guide to Droids (a pre-Disney sourcebook), these are MSE-4 Mouse Droids, used to detects and report leaks in the Mustafar lava shield. The uses for mouse droids are limited only by their owner's creativity. On Mustafar, the operators of the lava mines used MSE-4s to scout for life support leaks.
star wars - Why Did the Empire Use Storm/Clone Troopers and not …
From Star Wars Wikia on Droids: Despite these advantages, however, combat droids suffered from several drawbacks. Most importantly, in order to create total obedience and foil any chance of rebellion, droid units were often crippled with extremely sub-par artificial intelligence.
star wars - Can droids sense the presence of a Force user?
Apr 30, 2013 · While watching Star Wars Episode I, I started thinking about how Darth Maul was searching for the Jedi (and Padme) with those probe droids. Is there anything in the Star Wars Universe to indicate that droids can sense how strong the Force is within someone? Something like a long-distance Midi-chlorian count, or anything along those lines.
star wars - Is it common for protocol droids to be disallowed to ...
Dec 26, 2019 · As per an article from The Verge, C-3PO states that the Old Republic's Senate passed laws banning droids from translating the Sith language. That would indicate it's a widespread restriction, not something unique to C-3PO.
star wars - Do Force 'mind tricks' work on Droids? - Science Fiction ...
Apr 13, 2017 · Because droids are not organic beings, they were a subject few Jedi bothered to understand. Jedi powers that had a technical influence were usually crude, such as the Force ability mechu macture, or, "destroy droid." The Sith went farther than the Jedi ever did, developing the ability mechu-deru to allow for Force control over mechanical ...