yamaha 200e? - 3WHeeLeR WoRLD
Nov 13, 2008 · I like the Yamaha's as well, there are a number of nice features (compared to Honda), the main thing is making sure you stay up on the maintenance (adjust the valves, change the oil and filter, change the differential oil, to name a few). The Yami's feel lighter so they are easier to move around then say the Honda 200E, 200M and 200ES.
1985 yamaha 200e reverse - 3wheelerworld.com
May 20, 2013 · Own-Honda 250es, Kawasaki kx60, Yamaha 350 warrior Owned-one honda 350x three honda 90 s, one honda 110, one honda 185 , three honda 200e s, two honda 200s, one honda 200es, one yamaha 60, four yamaha 125 s, one yamaha 200, one yamaha 225dx , and two kawasaki 160 s, all of wich were good runing three wheelers. Also had lots of parts bikes.
My 1984 Yamaha 200e "Yamahauler" Restoration - 3WHeeLeR …
Apr 27, 2012 · Hello, 3wheelers. I am obviously new to this site, but I have been on previous Forum Sites before. My 3 Wheeler is a 1984 Yamaha 200e or "Yamahauler" as I learned from this site. I got this Yamaha from one of my parents' friends, he originally bought this Yamaha when it was Brand New, and now it's in bad shape.
3 WHeeLeR WoRLD's 1985 Yamaha Spec Page
1985 Yamaha's Models Made: YT60N Tri-Zinger, YT125N Tri-Moto, YTM200ERN Yamahauler, YTM200N Tri-Moto, YTM225DXN Tri-Moto, YTZ250N Tri-Z
1984 yamaha 200E value ( i need to know!) - 3wheelerworld.com
Mar 16, 2009 · Hey everyone one. I got a 1984 yamaha 200E shaft drive. IT is in good shape and runs AMAZING. All the plastic is bright yellow there is only 1 small crack in the front fender where it bolts onto the fork. The seat is perfect and all the lights work. Tires got good tread. Please let me know what its worth because i wanna sell it to get money for ...
Restoring 83 Yamaha 200E - 3WHeeLeR WoRLD
Sep 6, 2007 · First off, my 3-wheeler sat for about 5 years when I decided to get her going again. The fuel line and the carb where covered with a black gunk. I have cleaned out the carb, taking the jets out, etc, and I also have changed oil. Today, the machine will run, but I am far from content with how it is running. Questions: I can't get the choke freed up.
Yamaha 3 wheeler owners Club
Yamada, 1984 YTM-200E and 1984 YTM-225DX 2. old-yellow, 1982 YT-125 3. Vealmonkey, 1983 YT-175 powered by MX-175 with Pro-tec rear suspension, Yamaha 3 wheeler owners Club
1983 yamaha 200e exhaust - 3WHeeLeR WoRLD
Sep 27, 2019 · However I just bought a 1981 Honda 200 (all original, super clean,) and a 1983 yamaha 200e for 600 bucks. That's right, 600 for both lol, couldn't pass it up. The Yamaha has a totally blown out/ rotted muffler. Annoying to ride. It's in good mechanical shape, but not nearly as nice as the Honda.
1984 Tri Moto 200 what's it worth??? - 3wheelerworld.com
Mar 5, 2011 · Yamaha 3-wheeler owners club Join now! Official 3WW Yamaha 3-wheeler owners group ... The 85 ytm-200E are ...
1984 Yamaha 200e Shaft Problems - 3WHeeLeR WoRLD
Jun 27, 2012 · Hello, 3 Wheelers. As I have posted in the New Member Discussion, we are making some good progress with the Trike that I own. It is a 1984 Yamaha 200e Shaft and needs some MAJOR repairs on it. Right now, we just want to make sure it even runs first, and so far we've just been able to fire it up twice.