Historical flood map series—Queensland - Dataset - Open Data …
Collection of flood and inundation maps over Queensland at various scales 1893-1974, these show flood levels and probable inundation areas at various flood heights. A number of the map series include key maps.
Historical flood maps | Recreation, sport and arts - Queensland …
Our collection of scanned historical flood maps of Queensland is available for free. These flood and inundation maps are at various scales dating from 1893–1974. They show flood levels and probable inundation areas at various flood heights. A number of the map series include key maps.
Flood information for Gympie - GCEGinc
Here you will find lots of interesting information relating to Gympie's Flood History along with useful links to weather and Mary River heights and more. For official flood levels and road reports, please listen to your local broadcast radio station.
Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland
FloodCheck Queensland is a web map application that provides information on flood plains, modelled and historic flood maps, imagery and reports.
Flood History Gympie Region – Gympie Regional Council
The recorded flood history of Gympie is marked by several significant flood events. The largest recorded flood in Gympie was in 1893, with a peak of 25.45 metres. In 2022, Gympie experienced the second-largest flood event on record, with a peak of 22.9 metres.
Digitised Photographs & Maps - Gympie Regional Council Libraries
Photographs include: photos of floods, ANZAC Day ceremonies, Borumba Dam, memorials of the region and more. Local History - Curated Collections. Digitised maps include the Dunstan Maps of Gympie and survey maps of Gympie. Digitised Maps. For more information contact Gympie Library 54810859 or email.
Floods of Gympie - Gympie Regional Memories
Feb 4, 2021 · In Gympie, most floods, (nearly 80%), have occurred between December and April. The Bureau of Meteorology operates a flood warning system for the Mary River based on a rainfall and river height observations.
Heritage talks: the floods of ‘74 - State Library of Queensland
Aug 22, 2024 · In 1974, Cyclone Wanda wreaked havoc across South-East Queensland, bringing a devastating deluge that led to one of the worst recorded floods in the area’s history. Thousands of homes were destroyed, and 16 lives were lost.
The courage and heartbreak of 1974 floods remembered
Jan 24, 2014 · Army trucks dropped off hot meals to elderly residents when Meals on Wheels cars were flood bound, and rationing was a real possibility, with supermarket shelves cleared by panic buyers.
Flooding, Gympie Terrace, Noosaville, April 1974 | Heritage Noosa
Read the full record details for Photograph: Flooding, Gympie Terrace, Noosaville, April 1974